Welcome to Robotics at Iowa!

We are an interdisciplinary team of STEM and Non-STEM majors at the University of Iowa dedicated to education, professional development, and outreach within the field of robotics.

Our Goal

Our goal is to design, program, and build a prototype Mars rover that will achieve a host of tasks an actual rover would need to complete. We compete with our rover in two international rover challenges: (1) The University Rover Challenge at the Mars Desert Research Station in Utah and (2) The Canadian International Rover Challenge in Alberta, Canada.

Get Involved

We are looking for new members in 2023! Anyone is welcome to join, regardless of major or experience - we will teach you everything you need to know! Robotics at Iowa meets weekly in W105 Chemistry Building. Please fill out this New Member Interest Form if you would like to join our team!


Feel free to email one of our officers if you have any questions! Our co-presidents are Abby Temple (abigail-temple@uiowa.edu) and Cam Furbeck (cameron-furbeck@uiowa.edu).

Picture of the team from one of the tournament
The Picture of team struggling with the robotics movement or whatnot

Robotics Update

Click here for Mid-April Update:

  • The chassis team has been designing chassis 
  • Provide space to mount arm, antenna, science module, lights and rocker/bogey system
  • The connection team has been connecting sourced parts for rocker bogey and differential rod connections
  • Designing motor casings
  • Creating science module connection
  • The differential team has been designing the differential rod
  • Assembled 3d module 
  • The rocker/bogey team designed rocker bogey system
  • Did analysis on structural components 

Follow us on Social Media!

Instagram: @robotics_at_iowa

Facebook: @robotics.at.iowa

SAR video

Learn More!

Homecoming Party after the Parade

Community Engagement

Robotics at Iowa participates at events around campus and in the community to provide STEM outreach and education within the field of robotics.

Group Photo

Meet our Officers

Take a minute to meet our officers!

Motor drawings

Join us!

Robotics at Iowa meets weekly in W105 Chemistry Building. Fill out a New Member Interest Form to join our team!

All majors and disciplines are welcome!